


While Turkey doesn’t have its own salmon production, it exports significant quantities of farmed sea bass and sea bream. In 2023

EU countries like Germany, France, and Italy are the biggest importers, followed by countries like Russia, Ukraine, and the Middle East.

Global GAP, ASC, and EU organic certifications are essential for accessing international markets. Meeting strict hygiene and quality control regulations is also crucial.

Competition from other Mediterranean countries, fluctuating currency exchange rates, and compliance with ever-evolving international regulations are some key challenges.

Importing salmon into Turkey involves coordination with Turkish authorities, ensuring compliance with food safety standards, and obtaining necessary permits. Familiarize yourself with customs procedures and any specific regulations set by the Turkish government for seafood imports.

Importing sea bass into Turkey may be subject to specific regulations and inspections. Ensure that the sea bass meets Turkish standards for quality and safety. Obtain the required permits and comply with any restrictions imposed by Turkish authorities.

Yes, cupra (gilthead sea bream) can be exported from Turkey. Similar to other seafood exports, ensure compliance with quality standards, obtain necessary certifications, and follow the export procedures set by Turkish authorities.

Importing cupra into Turkey involves adherence to Turkish regulations on seafood imports. Obtain the necessary permits and ensure that the product meets quality and safety standards. Familiarize yourself with customs procedures and any specific requirements imposed by Turkish authorities.

 Yes, labeling requirements for exported fish products from Turkey may vary by country. Ensure compliance with the labeling regulations of the importing country, including information on the origin, production date, and any specific requirements for fish products.

Stay informed about changes in Turkish fish export regulations by regularly checking updates from relevant government agencies, attending industry events, and engaging with industry associations. Establishing communication channels with regulatory authorities will also help stay updated on any changes in export regulations.

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